Important! Upgrade from V2.x requires additional manual operations.

This version includes a major change to the previous “sales rep” feature. If you are using V2, please reach out to our support team if you would like to upgrade to V3.0

Summary of Changes in V3.0

Changes in Detail

  • Super Admin
  • Quote Management Feature
  • Request for Quote Feature
  • Merchant-side Roles and Permissions
  • Sales Staff Management Feature
  • Company-level Tax-Exempt Code

Summary of Changes in V3.0

  • Removed V2.x sales rep feature and sales rep quoting features.
  • Added storefront role “Super Admin” and super admin masquerading feature.
  • Added quote management feature
  • Added request for quote feature
  • Improved the merchant-side roles and permissions
  • Added sales staff management feature
  • Added company-Level tax-exempt code
  • Added support for the same email address registering for different BundleB2B Stores
You can take a look at the V3.0 Feature Overview for detailed descriptions of new features.
Changes in Detail

Super Admin
We removed the previous “Sales Rep” quoting features and restructured this into a new role “Super Admin”.

A Super Admin is someone who has a storefront account. Each Super Admin has assigned company accounts and can manage these companies after login into the storefront website. The assignment between Super Admin and Company can be many to many.

Super Admin Seller-Side Management is for merchants to manage super admin creation and company assignment

Super Admin Buyer-Side features allow super admin to check all assigned companies in the Dashboard and masquerade as one of the assigned companies after logging in on the storefront.

Quote Management Feature
Seller side admin users with related quote management permissions can create a quote from scratch to offer customer-specific discounts, negotiate the offer details with the buyer, and allow the buyer to place a one-time order based on the prepared quote.

BundleB2B company users will be able to access the company-level quote history after logging in on the storefront.

Request for Quote Feature
Allow all types of buyers to request a quote from the storefront Buyer types include:

  • Guest (No BigCommerce customer account)
  • B2C users (BigCommerce registered customer account)
  • B2B users (BundleB2B Company users)

Merchant-side Roles and Permissions
Adding a “Sales Staff” attribute to the merchant-side roles. Once a merchant side role is identified as a “Sales Staff” role, all users under this role will only be able to view the company details, orders, and quote requests of company accounts assigned to them. They will not be able to access the information of company accounts they have not been assigned to.

Sales Staff Management Feature
All merchant-side users with a “Sales Staff” type role will display on the Sales Staff listing tab. By default, there is no company assignment to sales staff. You will need to assign companies to a sales staff before they can access information of assigned company accounts. The assignment between Sales Staff and Company can be many to many.

Company-level Tax-Exempt Code
Note! This functionality requires adding a company-level extra field inside BundleB2B, please reach out to our support team if you would like to enable this feature.

Allow merchants to configure a “company tax-exempt code” for each BundleB2B company. The company-level tax-exempt code will synchronize with the BigCommerce individual customer “Tax Exempt Code”.

Once configured, the BundleB2B company tax-exempt code will be the source of truth applied for all company users and super admins (when masquerading as a specific company).

Categories: Release Notes


Bundle B2B is a SaaS application that offers enterprise level B2B functionality to businesses of all types and sizes. It enables store owners to facilitate their B2B operations online and provide their B2B customers with seamless transactions and convenient self-service account capabilities.