6. Company Account Approval Process

Published on May 18, 2021

Company Account Approval Process

Note: Please be sure to set up the email address you would like to receive new company account requests in the “Settings” tab of BundleB2B.

A B2C user on your store who already has an account on your store may submit a Trade Professional Application. Their account request will appear as “Pending” among your current list of companies.

  1. To approve or reject the company account request, first click on the three dots on the right side of the company, then select the “Edit Details” button under the corresponding company.

  2. If you choose to “Accept” the company account, the account status will appear as “Approved” when you return to the main Companies tab and the person who submitted the request will now have B2B account access as the approved Admin user for the company.
  3. If you choose to “Reject” the company account, the account status will appear as “Rejected” when you return to the main Companies tab and the person who submitted the request will see that their application was not approved.