Company Account Application Status


After submitting the Trade Professional Application form, your application will be under review and the status of your application will be “Pending” until it has been either Approved or Rejected by the store owner.

To return to this page and check back on the status of your application, click on “Trade Professional Application” located at the top right corner of your B2C account.


If your account request has been rejected, you will see the application status change to “Rejected.” From here, you will be able to correct/edit any information fields previously submitted and resubmit your application.


If your account request has been approved, your account will automatically update to provide you access to the corresponding B2B features and increased permissions that come with a Trade Professional Account. No notice of approval will appear.

As the person who submitted the application, your account is automatically assigned as the Admin user for the company. You’ll notice the “Trade Professional Application” link is no longer available at the top right corner of your account.

You now have access to new features including “Shopping Lists” and “User Management.”




Bundle B2B is a SaaS application that offers enterprise level B2B functionality to businesses of all types and sizes. It enables store owners to facilitate their B2B operations online and provide their B2B customers with seamless transactions and convenient self-service account capabilities.